DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, 14th of March, 2023, 11:00-11:45 CET, online

REGISTRATION: Register here.


About this webinar: Get ready to dive into the thrilling world of web3! This session will take you on a journey through the hottest topics in the metaverse, NFTs, and the power of communities. You’ll see how innovative brands are revolutionizing the industry and how established brands find new and exciting ways to connect and collaborate with their customers. And the best part? You’ll walk away with actionable insights and hands-on strategies you can implement in your organization. This is your chance to stay ahead of the curve and discover the limitless potential of web3!

Our keynote speaker: Robert Iken is the founder of Morrow Ventures, the Venture Building Boutique from Jung von Matt and their Head of Web3 practice. Jung von Matt is – in terms of awards for both creativity and efficiency – the most successful advertising agency group in German-speaking countries and one of the leading ad agencies of Europe. Robert is a German citizen and holds a Bachelor in International Business at Maastricht University and a Master in Strategic Management at Rotterdam School of Management. He has been working as a consultant for clients such as Porsche, Nestlé and Boydak and founded various own startups.

About the webinar series: The «CEE-Swiss Impulse Sessions» is a monthly series of short webinars on exciting, current and relevant topics concerning Switzerland and Central Eastern Europe (CEE). It is delivered by outstanding speakers from many different backgrounds. The webinar series aims at inspiring, informing and connecting a diverse audience across industries and functions and thus advance the manifold relationships between Switzerland and all CEE countries. Initiated in 2021 by the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland Central Europe (SEC) in Zurich, this is a joint project of all chambers of commerce in the CEE region and SEC.

The flyer for the event.

View recorder impulse sessions on our Youtube channel.