Tuesday, 14 June I 17:00-19:30 I CCIG, bd du Théâtre 4, Genève

Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (CCIG) together with the Geneva Chamber of Commerce are organising an event in Geneva dedicated to the Serbian market, with the participation of His Excellency Goran Bradić.

This event aims to offer Swiss entrepreneurs commercial, legal and logistical keys to the Serbian market.

During the event, the Serbian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce will present Serbia’s economic reforms on its way to the European Union (EU), the main economic sectors and investment incentives.

Since the start of economic reforms on the road to EU accession, Serbia has become one of the most attractive investment locations in Central and Eastern Europe. Switzerland is one of the largest investors in Serbia and Swiss companies are increasingly showing interest in investing there. New sectors such as IT and services are gaining importance in the Balkan country and the expansion of infrastructure is creating opportunities for Swiss companies.

More information and the programme can be found here.

Important: The event will be held partly in English and partly in French.