Welcome to our new member mindit.io!
/by Paula PatsiatsisWelcome to our new member mindit.io!
/by Paula PatsiatsisAPOMEDICA Sagl is a Swiss company for cosmetic and dermatological products.
Swiss – Slovenian Automotive Connections: Exploring the Potential
/by Irena BelchevaSeptember 27, 2023 | 11.00 – 12.30 CET | Online
Are you searching for new business partners, suppliers or investment – we invite Swiss MEM companies to explore options in Slovenia!
Impulse Session: Artificial Intelligence – The Revolution has started
/by admin_sec20.6.23| 11:00-11:45 CET, online | with Malcolm Werchota
Investment Opportunities
/by admin_secSpotlight the investment opportunities your company offers!
Trustsoft AWS Cloud MEETUP in Zürich 24.11.2022
/by admin_secOur member Trustsoft is organizing on the 24th November 2022 an AWS Cloud MEETUP in Zürich. Topics to be discussed: DB Migration to the Cloud Transition to open source (PostgreSQL) DB Monitoring Best practices, customer success stories Speakers: Jan Čechura (Trustsoft) Lukáš Pour (Trustsoft) Marcel D. Schläpfer (Trustsoft) More information and registration are included in the Flyer.
“SEC Know-How-Circles” – New free workshop for our members
/by admin_sec15 September “SEC Know-How Circles” – New free workshop for our members with Marquard Christen.
Market focus : Serbia
/by admin_secTuesday, 14 June I 17:00-19:30 I CCIG, bd du Théâtre 4, Genève I Market Focus : Serbia

Kasernenstrasse 11
CH – 8004 Zurich
PHONE +41 44 291 94 01
EMAIL [email protected]
WEB www.cee.swiss