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Welcome to our new member mindit.io!

Welcome to our new member mindit.io!


APOMEDICA Sagl is a Swiss company for cosmetic and dermatological products.

Swiss – Slovenian Automotive Connections: Exploring the Potential

September 27, 2023 | 11.00 – 12.30 CET | Online
Are you searching for new business partners, suppliers or investment – we invite Swiss MEM companies to explore options in Slovenia!

Impulse Session: Artificial Intelligence – The Revolution has started

20.6.23| 11:00-11:45 CET, online | with Malcolm Werchota

Investment Opportunities

Spotlight the investment opportunities your company offers!

Trustsoft AWS Cloud MEETUP in Zürich 24.11.2022

Our member Trustsoft is organizing on the 24th November 2022 an AWS Cloud MEETUP in Zürich. Topics to be discussed:  DB Migration to the Cloud Transition to open source (PostgreSQL) DB Monitoring Best practices, customer success stories Speakers: Jan Čechura (Trustsoft) Lukáš Pour (Trustsoft) Marcel D. Schläpfer (Trustsoft) More information and registration are included in the Flyer.

“SEC Know-How-Circles” – New free workshop for our members

15 September “SEC Know-How Circles” – New free workshop for our members with Marquard Christen.

Market focus : Serbia

Tuesday, 14 June I 17:00-19:30 I CCIG, bd du Théâtre 4, Genève I Market Focus : Serbia

Welcome to our new member LSG & Langanke